Welcome to our world.

We went off-grid when I was 70 years old.

On this and other linked webpages we will be sharing our life and insights with whoever wants to know about us.

My name is Dale. My wife’s name is Merna. We are a retired married couple and we are enjoying life.

When I worked, I had two Red Seal certificates, as an electrician and as a millwright. My other full-time occupation was an innovator/inventor.

My wife worked in child care as a career choice until she also retired.

In our life, both of us as individuals and as a married couple, have deliberately chosen to avoid debt where possible. This has allowed us the freedom to live lives others say is scarry because there is no security or safety net we can fall back on. From our viewpoint, it has allowed us to do work we thoroughly enjoy without the stress and bondage of living paycheck to paycheck